About Liz

Liz Walker was born in Pennsylvania and raised in San Antonio, Texas--a large metropolitan city infused with the culture, language, and architecture of Mexico. This experience has had a profound and positive affect on her life and most certainly influences how she chooses the colors and subject matter in her paintings.
In 1980, Liz received a B.A. in Art from Trinity University, but, like many artists, found financial security in an unrelated field: writing software user manuals for a computer company. After that, art and creativity took a backseat to building a 10 year career in technical writing. Growing restless and dissatisfied with the demands of the high tech world (especially after her daughter was born in 1993) Liz took a night class in watercolor and rediscovered her artistic passion--and churned out 100 paintings in the first year!
In 1997 after considerable soul-searching, Liz quit her stressful job and devoted herself completely and wholeheartedly to the thing she was put on this earth to do--PAINT. She has been known to paint up to 380 paintings in one year, while juggling teaching and juried exhibition opportunities as well. It's the best "job" in the world!
Watercolor was Liz's first medium of choice, but since 2005 she has mainly painted in acrylics and acrylic marbling. Her paintings have been exhibited both locally and nationally and have won numerous awards. Her works are in private collections in Texas, Massachusetts, California, Colorado and Oregon.
In 1980, Liz received a B.A. in Art from Trinity University, but, like many artists, found financial security in an unrelated field: writing software user manuals for a computer company. After that, art and creativity took a backseat to building a 10 year career in technical writing. Growing restless and dissatisfied with the demands of the high tech world (especially after her daughter was born in 1993) Liz took a night class in watercolor and rediscovered her artistic passion--and churned out 100 paintings in the first year!
In 1997 after considerable soul-searching, Liz quit her stressful job and devoted herself completely and wholeheartedly to the thing she was put on this earth to do--PAINT. She has been known to paint up to 380 paintings in one year, while juggling teaching and juried exhibition opportunities as well. It's the best "job" in the world!
Watercolor was Liz's first medium of choice, but since 2005 she has mainly painted in acrylics and acrylic marbling. Her paintings have been exhibited both locally and nationally and have won numerous awards. Her works are in private collections in Texas, Massachusetts, California, Colorado and Oregon.
Education Trinity University, 1976-1980 San Antonio, Texas B.A. in Art; specialized in painting (acrylics on canvas) DeCordova Museum School, 1991-1998 Lincoln, Massachusetts Attended numerous watermedia workshops led by nationally known artists including Pat San Soucie, Chris Keylock Williams, Judy Morris, Harold Walkup, Michael Schlicting, Robert Burridge, Betsy Dillard Stroud, and Eric Weigardt Exhibits Solo Exhibits Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, Oregon "Pulling Secrets Out of Paper" October 2023 Calvin Gallery, Tigard, Oregon, March 2019 First Presbyterian Church, May 2016, Portland Oregon Rose Spring Center For the Healing Arts, March 2015, Hillsboro, OR Elizabeth Lofts Gallery, August 2013, Portland Oregon Village Gallery of Arts--February 2011, Portland Oregon Portland City Hall (Dan Saltzman's office) June 2009 Nancy's Kitchen May 2009, Portland Oregon "Colorscapes", a Multnomah Art Center Solo Exhibit - March 2002, Portland, Oregon Open Studios in Portland, Oregon; 2001 and 2002 Village Gallery of Arts -- 2001, 2006 Portland, Oregon Selected Group Exhibits California Watercolor Association Exhibit, 2017, 2021, 2023 in Pleasanton, CA Rocky Mountain Watermedia Exhibit 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Fallbrook Signature Member Annual Watermedia Exhibit, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024 Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 43th Annual Exhibit, Tucson AZ 2018 National Watercolor Society 95th Annual Open Exhibit in San Pedro, CA 2015 Hillsboro Main Library Gallery, "From Pattern to Painting: Art of Marbling", Hillsboro, Oregon March 4- April 30, 2015 Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 40th Annual Exhibit, Texas, 2015 Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 39th Annual Exhibit, Arizona, 2014 International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA); 2011, 2012, 2013 Newport Visual Arts Center/Runyan Gallery, "From Pattern to Painting: Art of the Marbled Surface", Newport, Oregon Aug-Sept 2013 Northwest Watercolor Society "Waterworks" show, 2012-2020 Multnomah Art Center Group Show, May 2012 "From Pattern To Painting: The Art of Marbling" Northwest Watercolor Society Annual Open Exhibit - Spring 2010 in Seattle, WA National Watercolor Society Member Show, Spring 2009, 2011, 2018 in San Pedro, CA Opaque/Transparent: 2 Artists/2 Views, Multnomah Art Center, March 2006 "A River Runs Through It" at Portland City Hall, December 2005 National Watercolor Society Member Show, Spring 2005, 2009 Northwest Watercolor Society Waterworks show; Fall 2003 in Seattle, WA Celebrating Women: Their Strength and Vision , March 2004 at Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID; Women's Work series of 7 paintings Up Close in Pink exhibit for breast cancer awareness; September, 2003 at the Portland YWCA Oregon Society of Artists' Rose Show, 2000-present Celebration of Creativity, Southminster Presbyterian Church, March 2004 & 2009 in Beaverton, Oregon Littman & White Gallery at Portland State University--September 2001, Portland, Oregon |
Memberships CWA (California Watercolor Association) Signature Member ISEA (International Society of Experimental Artists) Signature Member NAWA (National Association of Women Artists) Northwest Watercolor Society (Signature Member, Gold Medal Fellowship) National Watercolor Society (Signature Member) Rocky Mountain Watermedia Society (Signature Member) San Diego Watercolor Society (Signature Member) Village Gallery of Arts Watercolor Society of Oregon (Signature Member) Western Federation of Watercolor Societies (Signature Member) Selected Awards Fallbrook World of Watercolor Annual Exhibit, 2024 Honorable Mention award for "Fledgling #1" Northwest Watercolor Society Open Exhibit, 2023 Silver Merchandise Award for "Backbeat #1" Rocky Mountain Watermedia Exhibit 2023 Honorable Mention award for "Fledgling #1" California Watercolor Association Open Exhibit, 2023 Past President's Award for "The Waiting Room #1" Watercolor Society of Oregon, Spring 2023 Award of Distinction, "Backbeat #1" Northwest Watercolor Society Member Exhibit, 2022 Second Place Award for "Less Than Approachable" Watercolor Society of Oregon, Spring 2022 Third Place award for "Common Ground #1" Rocky Mountain Watermedia Exhibit 2021 Honorable Mention award for "Dispossessed #1" San Diego Watercolor Society National Exhibition, 2021 Merchandise Award for "Out Of The Darkness #2" Watercolor Society of Oregon, Spring 2021 Third Place award for "Upon Closer Inspection #1" Oregon Society of Artists Spring Juried Show 2021 First Place award for "September Light" California Watercolor Association Open Exhibit, 2021 3rd Place Bronze Award for "On Solid Ground #3" Rocky Mountain Watermedia Exhibit 2020 First Place award for "Upon Closer Inspection #1" Northwest Watercolor Society Member Show, Fall 2020 Merchandise Award for "Dispossessed #1" Watercolor Society of Oregon, Spring 2020 Third Place award for "Dispossessed #1" Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, 2019 Merit Award for "Thoughtful Scholar #1" Watercolor Society of Oregon, Spring 2019 Second Place award for "Border Crossing #1" International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA), 2019 Member Show Fourth Place Award for "Surrounded By Sky" International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA), 2018 Merit Award for "The Golden Hour #1" Watercolor Society of Oregon, Spring 2018 Achievement Award for "On Solid Ground #1" California Watercolor Association Open Exhibit, 2017 Award for "Hanging Dress #1" Village Gallery of Arts Awards Show, Fall 2017 First Place for "Hanging Dress #3" Village Gallery of Arts Awards Show, Spring 2017 Second Place for "Bubbly Personality #3" Village Gallery of Arts Awards Show, Fall 2016 Second Place for "Windswept #5" Watercolor Society of Oregon, Spring 2016 Third Place Award for "Chaco Canyon Conversation #1" Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, spring 2015 Honorable Mention for "Birds In Thought #19" Village Gallery of Arts awards show, spring 2015 First Place Award for "Spellbound #1" Village Gallery of Arts awards show, spring 2014 Honorable Mention for "On Neutral Ground #1" Northwest Vision Award, 2012 NWWS Waterworks Show in Bothell, WA for "Even In the Quietest Moments #12" Honorable Mention (Theme Category), Portland Rose Show 2012 for "On The Rocks With a Twist" "Best Use of Acrylics" Award for "Speckled Pears #1" at the International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA) show in Shelton, WA, 2012 Honorable Mention (Rose Category), Portland Rose Show 2011 for "Roses and Black Lace" 1st Place Award, Oregon Society of Artists Juried Show, March 2011 for "What's Cooking #1?" 1st Place Award (Rose Category), Portland Rose Show 2010 for "Pink Burst" 1st Place Award (Theme Category), Portland Rose Show 2009 for "Another Round No. 1" Watercolor Society of Oregon Spring 2009 show; Award of Distinction for "On The Town" Watercolor Society of Oregon Spring 2008 show; Third Place for "Luck of the Draw #1" Northwest Watercolor Society, Fall 2007 Juror Merit Award for "Luck of the Draw #1" Village Gallery of Arts Touch of Red show; Second Place for "A House Divided" Village Gallery of Arts theme show Aug. 2004; Honorable Mention for "Sofa Seat No.5 With Cat" OSA Rose Show 2003; Honorable Mention Awards for "Rose Finfare" and "Sofa Seat No.2" Watercolor Society of Oregon Fall 2003 show; Award of Distinction for "Free Falling" Publications Watercolor Artist Magazine, August 2016 issue; "The Power of Pattern" (article and images) Painting "Chaco Canyon Conversation" featured in "AcrylicWorks 4" by North Light Books (2017) Painting "Speckled Pears" featured in "AcrylicWorks 3" by North Light Books (2016) Painting "Three Amigos" featured in the book "Inspirational Quotes Illustrated: Art and Words To Motivate" by Lesley Riley, 2014 "Lap of Luxury: Selected Paintings 2000-2012" self-published; available at www.blurb.com Painting "The Suitor" featured in the book "How to Enter Shows, Win Awards and Become Famous" by Harold Walkup, 2008 CALYX, A Journal of Art and Literature by Women Vol. 22, no. 1, Winter 2003/2004; Images of seven paintings in my Women's Work series were reprinted in this publication. |