Thanks to my recently attained Signature membership in NWS (National Watercolor Society), I've become connected to an even larger group of artists on Facebook. Now I'm reading posts and seeing images from national artists (and they are seeing my work as well). Through these connections, I'm being introduced to even MORE artists whose styles intrigue and delight me.
How much is too much? It's up to you to decide how much time you want to spend online. I've heard of writers who disable their computer's internet connectivity while they write so they won't be constantly interrupted, and that sounds like a good idea. I tend to jump online after my morning coffee, and depending on my day, I check again at lunchtime, and again in the late afternoon. I confess that I sometimes I peek at my ipad when I get "stuck" during a painting session, but more often than not, my hands are covered in paint so I'm forced to keep to task!
All things considered, I am grateful for the technology that has allowed me to connect and share my work with others so quickly and efficiently. It's no replacement for in-person art exhibits, but its reach is far and wide--to people across the country and across the world.