I came across something on facebook the other day, written by an artist who sounded so exuberant at having completed her first commissioned painting for a client that I immediately felt her joy:
Last week, I taught my first-ever acrylic workshop on ZOOM, and at first, I was filled with anxiety about things that had nothing to do with teaching, like "will the do not disturb function on my phone do its job of blocking incoming calls? Will my internet stay connected for 3 hours?" (A call did come through, but I killed it, and thankfully the internet stayed up all morning). As soon as I began talking, painting, and sharing my process, my anxiety melted away. I showed 12 eager artists all of my "secrets"--the things I do with paint, stencils, negative painting, composition, color to completely repurpose a so-called "failed" painting. It was like thinking out loud while moving a paintbrush over the paper. The words (and paint) seem to land where they needed to, and I came up with some interesting paintings (still in progress, but close to being done).
Near the end of the session, I opened it up to questions/comments and students held up their paintings in progress so we could all see what they'd painted. There were lots of smiles on faces (including mine) and several students marveled that I'd so thoroughly shared my painting process with them. (As thoroughly as one can share in 3 hours!). I felt invigorated by everyone's enthusiasm as they talked about the techniques they'd like to try later on their own paintings. I plan to teach more ZOOM workshops like this one in the near future.

The painting before I repurposed it: acrylic/collage on paper, 10x 14".

The painting AFTER I repurposed it (changing the bird into a figure) by adding paint around the figure. (You can still see the bird's beak peeking out on the upper left hand side of the painting). Still in progress, but getting close to being done.